Friday, July 5, 2013

Go Red for Forsyth County to Fight and Beat Heart Disease in Women! Part 3!

This week’s spot light is on Jan Smith (One of the Ladies of The Fab Five for The Forsyth County Go Red Campaign), I met her right after we were picked for the Go Red Campaign and we were having our pictures done for the campaign and billboard. Pam was sweet and I felt a connection right away, unfortunately I didn't get to spend a lot of time with her. Then The Lord gave us a rare opportunity to get to know each other. We had a Go Red event and for the first hour it was just Jan and I, we got to talk and share our stories, here is her story:

My name is Pamela Jan Smith and my friends call me Jan. I am 53 years old, a mom to 3 grown children and a survivor. On July 8th, 2011 I had a stroke in the right frontal lobe. Little did I know that the stroke was caused by a “hole in my heart”. Doctors at Forsyth determined a clot formed there and was sent racing to my brain that evening. Tests determined my arteries were clear of plaque which was surprising given my love of southern food. Prior to my stroke, I had lost over 80 lbs. and was feeling the best in my life. My partner and I had recently bought a new home here and life was great. It is amazing how many times I had ignored symptoms that I thought were just in my mind. If I could get any message across, it would be to never ignore your symptoms.
As a teenager I was diagnosed with Mitral Valve Prolapse and many doctors assured me this was the cause of my symptoms. Had I pushed further, the patent foramen ovale (medical term for hole in the heart) would have been discovered as I had most certainly been born with it. In September 2011, I had heart surgery at Baptist Hospital. A septal occluder was placed in the atrium of my heart. Hopefully this will reduce the chances of a repeat stroke. Though I continue to have weakness on my left side along with some memory issues and constant pain, I have been blessed. My faith in God is constant and I am thankful for every moment life gives me.
My family has an extensive history of heart disease, especially the females. I am happy to say that my children have been advised of their genetic history and they strive to live heart healthy. My oldest daughter is a RN with a cardiac office in Wilkes County and my son is in his last year of pharmacy school at Chapel Hill. My partner is a nurse who makes a difference in lives every day.
I challenge myself to continue eating healthier foods and drinking water instead of soft drinks or tea. I stay active with yard work and hobbies. As caretakers, women often take care of themselves last…I would say As Women, let’s take care of ourselves first so that we may continue to take care of those we love with ALL our hearts!

I am happy to say that Jan and I are great friends, we go to the same Church and share our lives wanting to help others defeat this disease. I got to sit down with Jan and ask her some follow up questions.

How did you hear about the Go Red Campaign?
I saw it on the Forsyth Novant website/ FaceBook Page.

What's your goal while serving as a Forsyth Go Red Woman?
I want to make a difference and reach out and help someone. I want to help women to take control of their health instead of relying completely on medical personal. I want to help women to learn to listen to their bodies so they can take control.

How are you maintaining your health since your incident?
I have increased my physical activity. I push mow our lawn instead of riding the lawn mower. I do more physical activities at home. I walk. I also park further away in parking lots so I have to walk to my destination. I am eating better and I drink water, drink water, drink water!

Where do you want the Go Red Campaign to lead you?
It has already led me to new friends, to hearing new stories and to new experiences.
I ask God. "OK, God who am I going to touch?" He will lead me and He will give me those opportunities I have to do!

Thanks be to God! He allowed this wonderful woman to survive and has given her the drive to make a difference. Jan you are doing it, you are making a difference and touching lives. Thank you for fighting to help beat this disease.

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