Thursday, July 5, 2012

A 10K, Half of a Half, Not a Small or Easy Run But This One Kept Things in Perspective

I have run a couple of 5Ks, two half marathons, and several long runs with distances including 6 miles up to 12.5 miles. But none of them compare to the other they all have their own feel, obstacles and accomplishment at the end. As I signed up for this last 10K, I thought this will be easy, I run between 4 to 5 miles a day… Yeah Right! Every single race I have done has left me feeling drained at the end, not due to the mileage, but due to the adrenaline that pumps through you from the time you wake up until the time you cross that finish line. Over the past year, I have learned to control the adrenaline rush as to use it to my advantage, but I can’t stop it, nor do I want to. It is a friend, a way to keep the excitement in me to continue to run. I like the rush of the takeoff, the thrill of seeing the finish and the exhausted tired feeling in the end. I feel a state of accomplishment, which brings me back for more. Now on to the next race…

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