Friday, May 4, 2012

Does Running Cure Depression?

I have been struggling with posting this article (there by putting my very private thoughts & feelings on display), but this is a subject that I feel needs to be addressed. There are people that will be shocked when they read this, but I want everyone to know this is something I overcame and I want to help others to overcome it too.

I have never been diagnosed with Depression, but I have had depressed moods all my life. The deepest and darkest ones were when I lost a business and when I was fat. I have friends who have been diagnosed with Depression and they tell me what I experienced was Depression. However if you don’t tell anyone about these moods, you can’t get diagnosed. As a fat girl, I struggled with thoughts of hate (hating myself), sadness and suicide. Twice I came up with a plan to carry out the suicidal thoughts. Both times God stepped in and stopped me, putting me on a path that would change my life and make things better. I share this with you only because there may be someone reading this needing and looking for help having these same thoughts. I have sought therapy and have overcome those dark thoughts, but I have also discovered running; which I whole heartedly feel keeps my depressing moods in check.

I heard about a study on the radio that told of a Psychiatrist that did a Depression study. I don’t remember all the logistics of the study, just the meat of the matter. So this Doctor had 20 people in this study, 10 he told had to walk/run everyday for 6 months, even if they didn’t want to even if it was too cold or raining (they would have to walk indoors) but no matter what they had to walk everyday, they were taken off their meds completely. The other 10 were given lower doses of their meds but they had to walk too, however they could skip days, whatever they felt like they could do; if they were tired or in a depressed mood they could skip their daily walk if it was cold or raining they could skip.

All of the participants had to keep a journal about how they felt everyday during the morning, midday, afternoon and evening times. After 6 months the doctor had his final results, the 10 that were not on meds but walked everyday said they felt great, several said in the beginning they would feel bad in the morning, but would force themselves to get out and walk and by the end of the walk were better and felt good. At the end of the 6 months none went back on their meds they were prescribed walking for their meds. The other 10 were not so lucky, by the end of the 6 months almost all of them quit walking and their meds had to go back to the normal dose.

So when I say that running saved my life in more ways than one, I speak the truth and the truth will set you free. My heart attack was caused by a number of things, being overweight, eating unhealthy, being lazy, smoking all this lead to depression which in turn caused me to eat unhealthy, be lazy, smoke and gain weight causing me to be fat, causing my heart attack. It was a vicious cycle. But God again stepped in and helped me to get out of the cycle so now I am healthier, thinner, have more energy, happier and have joy everyday of my life. Running is a big part of that, because when I can’t run I feel it after two or three days. I am slower, runned down, depressed, no, not depressed but I feel drained and sad; there are times when I have to go several days without running. I grin and bear it but as soon as I can I get back out on that road I feel my spirits lift immediately when I hit that asphalt. I know that I will always run if something were to happen to prevent me from running, I will find a way to continue running. God has given me the strength and will so far, I know he will carry me through so I can always be running. 

As I am no doctor and have no medical degree, I say this, if you feel depressed or have suicidal thoughts and you are reading this please I beg you seek help; you are not alone in how you feel. You can start to get help here:

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