Thursday, April 12, 2012

Fat Girl – 326 lbs, Smoker – Can’t breathe, Unhealthy Eater – Diabetes, So being a Coach Potato leads to Heart Attack at 40.

This is me at my heaviest, 326 lbs. I am on the right. 

It was November 19, 2010 just 6 months past my 40th birthday when God said “Girl, your time has run out!” I thank Him everyday for that kick in the butt to…
1) get me to stop smoking, I can breathe, I can smell and I can taste food so much better, I eat less of it.
2) I was on the verge of full blown Type II Diabetes, but with exercise and change in diet, I am now off medication for Diabetes and my doctor has taken me off that diagnosis.
3) 326 POUNDS, at that weight, I hated myself, my surroundings and my life. I am now down to 217 as of this writing. I am healthy, happier and I can move and do things I couldn’t do before. I love moving, doing and going.

This photo was taken two months before heart attack.
I am all the way to the left.
I saw my Cardiologist today, my check-up was awesome, BP was normal, finally as it was so high for the past 5 years. EKG was great. Cholesterol test showed that my HDL’s were at 89, my LDL’s were at 29 (my doctor was Gob-Smacked). He has reduced my medication which is just unheard of. I have the LDL levels of a child.

This is all due to God saying, get up and move. Praise be to Him, who is in full control. With him all things are possible. I am alive and living a very happy, healthy and productive life.

This journey is just beginning; I am going to finishing sharing the past year’s journey of heart attack to the Disney half marathon. So stay tuned. ;-)

This picture was taken in December, a year after
my heart attack.

Tomorrow, learning about foot wear and leg pain.

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