Wednesday, April 18, 2012

“Gross Out” Factor - This is Not Fear Factor It’s Just Runners’ Trots!

I am sure every runner has had this happen, you are about 3 to 4 miles maybe even further out from a bathroom and you feel that twinge, a cramp in your stomach, your body is telling you, you are no longer in control and your bowels are going to release no matter where you are or what your doing. You have just been hit with runners’ trots and no bathroom around, but hopefully a place to hide and do your business.

The first time this happened to me, I was very lucky, I was in a neighborhood park and the park bathroom was open. I actually shrugged this off as a bad night’s dinner. I went for about two months before it happened again, same location. I still waved it off as dinner not settling well, I was still in the middle of getting my healthy plan in to play, I cheated more than I cared to admit.

Then as I stopped cheating and my body started to adjust to the good and get rid of the bad, the trots disappeared. Then my runs got longer and more strenuous on my body, as that happened I started to have gas not a bad thing, but worse things were on the horizon. The first time I hit 10 miles on a long run day and 5 to 6 miles a day during my weekday runs I started to notice I had to go when no bathroom was near. The first few times I was able to slow down and walk home. I was lucky enough to make it in time. Then one morning out on the road many miles from any bathroom and no way I could walk home, the cramps hit me. I had no choice but to go on the side of the road, behind a tree. I was lucky enough to bring extra napkins (due to the fact that my nose runs and Dixie napkins are strong but soft enough for me to use to blow my nose). I was totally embarrassed, mortified and pissed off. What the Hell was going on? When I got home I did some research, not much on the internet, mostly horror stories were posted, some explanations as to why runners got the trots but no fixes. So I decided I would change up my eating so that I wasn’t eating as much in the evening however that did not help, two days later, same thing again, the trots. It got to the point where I was packing a running belt with toilet wipes, tissue paper and baggies. I was trying everything I could think of to fix the problem. I was eating prunes and drinking warm prune juice to clean myself out that just made the problem worse.

Then it hit me the runs (no pun intended) where I had the trots were after I had eaten red meat. Ok no more red meat, DONE! I had about a week of runs that were trot free then the trots started back up, this was very upsetting to me that I couldn’t find a fix, now I was bound and determined to beat this problem. I kept doing research on the net, hoping I would come across some formula or fix to my problem but I never did. I did find that this problem was a novice/newbie problem and as you logged more time as a runner, you would lose this problem. Fine, but I wanted it fixed now.

Another revelation, maybe the crackers I was eating with my PB and Preserves was causing a problem; I did increase the intake of gluten when I stopped eating red meat. A phone call to my cousin Kate, who is Gluten-Free, we discuss this problem. At this point I am beyond the embarrassment and I just want to fix the problem. I try going Gluten-Free OMG! It seems to be working. I also cut out all snacks (my weakness Cheetoes) that maybe causing a problem too. That seemed to work too for a while.

Coffee is the next fix I try everyone from my running guru, Emily, to my doctor say drink coffee before your run, wait, go, and then run. I dismissed this because after the heart attack I gave up coffee 1) due to the fact I drank it while I smoked a cigarette 2) Caffeine was not helping me stay awake and 3) I bought Starbucks, it is expensive. However I wanted to see if this would at least help some. So I bought instant coffee Taster’s Choice that comes in individual serving size packets. I tried it on a long run day, I got up an hour early, boiled hot water put two packets in (for double the strength) drank it and waited. 30 minutes later I felt some goings on in the plumbing area. I had to go to the bathroom, YAY! After I did my business I waited another 15 minutes for good measure and out the door I went. That was an awesome run, only pooting going on and I felt a burst of energy. Hot Diggidy Dog!

So now with red meat off the diet, less Gluten in the diet and Coffee in the morning I think I have my formula to fix my trot problem. I also make sure I drink (8) 8oz. glasses of water daily. I have been on this particular formula for 2 weeks now and on my last long run of 12.41 miles, I had no urge to go to the bathroom except to pee. I still carry my emergency pack of wipes, but haven’t opened it in two weeks. The coffee has turned out to be more beneficial than I first realized, it helps to wake up your muscles and give you a burst of energy for speed and endurance.

I hope this article didn’t “gross” you out to much. I hope it will help those newbie’s that just don’t know what is going on and point them in a direction to find a fix. Our bodies are so different and knowing what works for some may not work for you, you have to start with trial and error, but knowing that you are not alone in this predicament hopefully will help you to continue running no matter what. Good luck to everyone out there and don’t let the trots stop you from your runs (puns intended).


  1. Woohoo! Glad that system of no meat, gluten free and coffee seems to be working. Just note that I have been running for 20 years and you still might get the rumbles in the plumbing and might have to go from time to time. I think it is just the fact that you are jarring the body when you run so it happens. See you soon. Em
